Everything here is in "demo" version... including the artwork. These are songs I would like to record with a studio band at some point in the near future. I'm still currently recording some of the demo versions, and looking for the right musicians to team up with for this project. For the demos I just have piano and vocals as I don't want to pin down the other parts before finding the right players. I'm envisioning these songs with a soft pop/jazz/rock feel (how's that for specific?) and some of the piano will change a bit to fit the final rhythm section.
Sometimes it's fun to embrace a few cliches. I found it a bit amusing that even when I try to play something up-tempo, it comes out sounding sad. I'm like the anti-banjo.
Every relationship we have is a part of us, no matter how far in the past it's become.
There's two kinds of people - those that skip to the end of the book and those who have some semblance of self control. I go back and forth.
Sometimes I get a little drunk and sit down and make a thing at the piano without really knowing fully where it comes from. It just feels familiar. In this case it ended up being a conglomeration of feelings about all kinds of family relationships.
This started off as a three lines of silliness I improvised when I was testing a new microphone. But later it picked at my brain until it turned into a whole song.
I'm really bad at editing a song when it's "done"... but sometimes I force myself to and am happy with the results. In this case, the chorus was from a song years ago that I didn't like because of the verses, so I wrote a new song around the chorus instead.
I wanted to see if I could write a song that used the words "baby" and "darling" and sing them with a straight face. That was harder than you might think lol.
Definitely one of the songs I hear needing other instruments to sound done... with just piano and singing it feels a bit flat... also a little higher in the vocal register than I've gotten comfortable with...
Definitely a demo version here... I don't think I'll keep the chorus backup vocals, and there's definitely a need for additional instruments.
There's only been about a million songs written about first times, but why not add another one?