Even while my GPA was barely over 1.4, I almost always got A grades in English classes. I was always able to write relatively creatively (more with essays than with poetry) though never from an understanding of the rules of the language so much as just having read SO many books from a young age. I'm pretty sure that as I got older, and realized I wasn't the best at communicating my feelings verbally, the knowledge also cemented my desire to write. (I more often focus on songs and lyrics these days, though.)
Most of these would be much better with more editing, and a focus on grammar and language... but my focus typically ends up being expressing a feeling or thought. Very often after I've done that, I move on and forget about having written it. If you're uncomfortable with other people's feelings, you probably want to move on.
Facebook Poetry
Over the years (starting in 2011) I've had a habit of spitting out a handful of lines directly onto Facebook, to express some feeling or another, while I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep unsuccessfully. These never have titles, so I've used the date it was posted as the title. They've been copied and pasted here, typos and incorrect punctuation ablazing.
Before Facebook became the IV connection to the outside world that it is, I made my attempts on napkins or in a notebook. These are those. (Usually written in class at NMU or in a bar in Marquette.) Probably about 95% of these were interpreted through various amounts of beer.
Unfortunately I didn't date the earlier scribbling, so these are sort of just a pile of things written from 1991 and earlier. These are pretty bad. You've been warned.