nathan lyle

Attempts at Poetry

Even while my GPA was barely over 1.4, I almost always got A grades in English classes. I was always able to write relatively creatively (more with essays than with poetry) though never from an understanding of the rules of the language so much as just having read SO many books from a young age. I'm pretty sure that as I got older, and realized I wasn't the best at communicating my feelings verbally, the knowledge also cemented my desire to write. (I more often focus on songs and lyrics these days, though.)

Most of these would be much better with more editing, and a focus on grammar and language... but my focus typically ends up being expressing a feeling or thought. Very often after I've done that, I move on and forget about having written it. If you're uncomfortable with other people's feelings, you probably want to move on.

Facebook Poetry

Over the years (starting in 2011) I've had a habit of spitting out a handful of lines directly onto Facebook, to express some feeling or another, while I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep unsuccessfully. These never have titles, so I've used the date it was posted as the title. They've been copied and pasted here, typos and incorrect punctuation ablazing.

July 3, 2024June 27, 2024June 11, 2024July 21, 2023April 24, 2023January 9, 2023November 21, 2021September 14, 2021July 29, 2021July 4, 2020May 18, 2020April 15, 2020March 17, 2020December 18, 2019April 15, 2019February 24, 2019February 10, 2019July 30, 2018July 10, 2018July 5, 2018October 20, 2017September 13, 2017September 8, 2017January 13, 2017December 21, 2016December 17, 2016October 4, 2016July 13, 2016June 27, 2016June 24, 2016June 23, 2016May 27, 2016May 20, 2016April 30, 2016April 24, 2016January 31, 2016January 14, 2016December 10, 2015October 27, 2015September 26, 2015June 16, 2015July 12, 2014June 24, 2014June 8, 2014May 1, 2014February 27, 2014January 31, 2014October 3, 2013August 4, 2013June 2, 2013May 1, 2013April 9, 2013March 19, 2013March 18, 2013March 17, 2013February 23, 2013January 31, 2013January 21, 2013January 19, 2013January 14, 2013January 9, 2013January 8, 2013December 27, 2012December 18, 2012December 16, 2012December 9, 2012October 9, 2012October 3, 2012September 30, 2012September 23, 2012September 21, 2012September 20, 2012September 18, 2012September 10, 2012September 8, 2012September 5, 2012July 10, 2012June 7, 2012February 11, 2012April 8, 2011

Post-Highschool Notebook Attempts

Before Facebook became the IV connection to the outside world that it is, I made my attempts on napkins or in a notebook. These are those. (Usually written in class at NMU or in a bar in Marquette.) Probably about 95% of these were interpreted through various amounts of beer.

Living the Dream
October 1st, 2024
June 21st, 2013
June 7th, 2012
4am Observations
September 5th, 2012
November 19th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
July 16th, 2011
Random Choir
June 17th, 2011
Time's Arrow
May 21st, 2011
May 13th, 2011
We Fear the Dark
February 14th, 2011
Darkness of Night
January 6th, 2011
December 28th, 2010
Just About Ready
June 14th, 2009
Purple Sky of Pain
May 6th, 2007
May 6th, 2007
Not Ready
November 1st, 2003
Cut & Paste
March 6th, 2002
A Familiar Chaos
February 15th, 2002
February 15th, 2001
Warm Fuzzy
July 12th, 2000
July 12th, 2000
July 10th, 2000
July 9th, 2000
Short Flight
March 15th, 2000
You and Me
April 5th, 1999
September 22nd, 1998
Whiny Poetry
September 12th, 1998
August 15th, 1998
Nothing Else
August 10th, 1998
Ode to a Beer
August 1st, 1998
Raw Whatever
July 25th, 1998
July 18th, 1998
Dark Window
July 17th, 1998
July 13th, 1998
I Saw You not Noticing Me
July 11th, 1998
June 18th, 1998
June 18th, 1998
The Extra
June 14th, 1998
Sitting on the Beach
June 13th, 1998
Sunny Day
June 12th, 1998
Smelling the Roses
May 30th, 1998
Thrash & Trash
May 6th, 1998
January 21st, 1998
Handling the Cold
January 23rd, 1995
Missing You
May 15th, 1993
Relieved Rememberance
January 26th, 1993
A Prayer
November 18th, 1992
June 15th, 1992
June 25th, 1992

Highschool Overly-Emo Years

Unfortunately I didn't date the earlier scribbling, so these are sort of just a pile of things written from 1991 and earlier. These are pretty bad. You've been warned.

So Many RoadsMy DirectionSelfRealizationNear MidnightForever MemoryI Went To See a SunsetStarsGetting OlderQuestionTimeWhy?HopeGoing UnderA Long, Dark NightThe Coming FuryAn Apology & a PromiseExcuseI Love YouThank YouMaybe ThenSleepless NightA PoemTearsShared Pain